
Every minute counts when it comes to attendance in school and so we work hard to promote this to our children and families.  

We take a pro-active approach to encourage children to attend regularly, by:

  • Termly attendance celebrated in our Friday celebration assembly and attendance badges are awarded for children who have 100% attendance or have shown improvements in their attendance. 
  • A 'best attendance' display in the school hall, to highlight the importance of good attendance. 
  • Some key attendance data shared in newsletters.
  • Regular letters sent home to those with low/dropping attendance.
  • Meeting with parents who are struggling to get their children in to school.
  • Working closely with the Education Welfare Service to support families who might struggle to get their children to school on time, or on a regular basis.
  • Working closely with the Local Authority to reduce term time holidays and irregular attendance.

Please see below a letter sent to all parents regarding Attendance. 

 Please click on this link to the NHS website to check if your child is too ill to come to school. 

NHS Is My Child Too Ill for School? 




Be an attendance HERO! 

Be Here, Every day, Ready and On time! 

8.45am: Children are welcome in to school- gates open 

9:00am: All children expected in school- gates close 

9:00 am: Children arriving after this time should be brought into school via the Office, so that parents can sign the late book, stating a reason for lateness.

9.05am: Registers close. Children arriving after this time will be recorded as 'unauthorised absence'.


For further and more detailed information, a copy of the school's Attendance policy can be found under the Policies tab of the website.



attendance factsheet poster.pdf