
Comments from Parents July 2023 

"The teachers are all fabulous and the children are so well taken care of and supported! I’m so impressed with B's progress and how well he’s done this year! It was the best decision to leave him for year 2 and not take him to a different school. He had so much attention and help from the teachers and I’m so confident that he will thrive in the new school! Thank you for this year!"

"I am (and will remain!) a huge supporter of Chigwell Row. What you and your team of wonderful teachers have done to turn the school around in such a short space of time is amazing. I  has flourished this year. I have seen a massive positive change in her socially and an astounding development in her academically."

"For me the biggest indication of performance at the school is my son's excitement and contentment at getting ready and heading to school each day."

Comments from Parent Survey May 2023

"Couldn’t be happier at this school. The difference in the school since new leadership was put in place in September 2022 is incomparable to the previous year. My child is thriving both academically and in personal confidence and it’s thanks to all the staff at Chigwell Row Infants."

"Wonderful school! Very happy with my child’s education progress and social development. My daughter is very happy here."

"I think the school and an the staff are wonderful. They provide everything and more that my child needs."

"Staff are absolutely phenomenal! My little boy is so happy and excited to come to school. He adores his 1:1 so a happy child means a happy parent."
"I love that the teachers and support staff are so caring and nurturing which makes my child feel so happy."


 Recent Visitors to the School 

Autumn 2023

Debbie Makepeace Essex EYFS Partner- “The new class teacher has created an inspiring and accessible environment for children to explore. The atmosphere is calm, orderly, purposeful and engaging. Thank you for an inspiring and interesting morning in class. I have every confidence that children in the early years will make the best possible progress throughout this academic year.”

Sarah Rees- EFSPT School Improvement Director  “Lesson structure of the 7-step model focusing on metacognition was strong. The lesson was pitched well with resources appropriate to children’s ability. Due to the strengths of the teaching and learning, we will next focus on foundation subjects and the embedding of this model. 

Sarah Rees: (EYFS) “The learning environment and the teaching in EYFS is of an extremely high quality, the children are settled, calm and happy which allows them to confidently explore and develop in a secure, safe and appropriately challenging environment. I look forward to my next visit.”

Sarah Rees: (Yr1) “The relationships in the classroom are extremely strong, the children are clearly flourishing, they are confident and comfortable to ask questions and challenge themselves appropriately.

Jacky Castle- Essex School Effectiveness Partner: (EYFS) “All children were actively engaged in learning activities either independently or with an adult.”
Jacky Castle: (Key Stage 1) “Children were calm and settled in both classes and fully engaged in learning.” 


Cllr Lee Scott "I just wanted to thank you for todays visit to you first class School ,the Children were brilliant. They were fully engaged and asked lots of good questions around Road safety ,they were so well behaved ,I can only say I was so impressed with both all staff and pupils and will do all I can to help in area of Safety. The Questions they asked showed how much they understood about road safety , you can be very proud of your School , Thank you again Warmest Wishes Lee"

Anna Lucas- Creator of Super Sonic Phonic Friends " It was an absolute pleasure and honor to be able to see the demonstrable impact, in so many different areas, of hard work that has gone into implementing SSPF in such a short period of time with astonishing impact so far.”

Jacky Castle- Essex School Effectiveness Partner: “The monitoring carried out showed the progress the school have made since the Ofsted inspection in November 2022.Pupils in year 1 and 2, including those with SEND, behaved well and demonstrated positive attitudes to learning throughout the session seen. Writing in books that were scrutinised showed the progress that pupils have made since September. Pupils in year 1 and 2 and children in reception were enthusiastic about their learning and were able to discuss what they are learning now and key facts about previous learning. The discussion with subject leaders allowed them to talk through the PE and geography curriculum, it’s intent and how it is sequenced. School leaders are continuing to work tirelessly to secure rapid improvement so that the school can be removed from the Ofsted category of concern at the earliest opportunity."

 “The monitoring carried out showed the progress the school have continued to make since the Ofsted inspection in November 2022. Pupils in all classes, including those with SEND, behaved well, were calm and settled and demonstrated positive attitudes to learning. Pupils in year 1 and 2 discussed what they are learning now in maths and how they use previous learning to support their current learning”. 

Debbie Makepeace- Essex Early Years Education Partner: “The class teacher demonstrated effective teaching skills today. She was calm, empathetic, and sensitive to children’s needs. Her communication was clear and concise, and her teaching was pacey, fun and interactive.” When observing the reading area, it was noted that “reading, puppet play, story props, telephones were all available for children to access in the reading area. Class teacher has started to enhance the areas of activity, for example there have been additional resources added to the book area”.

Katie Pollard- Essex IP "The school have been working hard to implement change and it was pleasing to see the progress made from my last visit with children being supported effectively by LSA’s within a classroom which is an enabling environment to meet the individual needs of all children."


Lesley Duffin: Learning behaviour walk and pupil voice- “A useful visit to look at how well the values have been embedded so far. The children’s views showed they had a good understand of these values and were also able to relate the importance of good behaviour to success in the classroom.”

Sami Taylor: Phonics and Early Reading lesson observations and reading with children- “A positive visit, the children and staff were familiar with the scheme and has started to be embedded. Consistency in language used, phrases and confidence of the teachers evident. Clear evidence of progress and development since the start of term, routines were embedded, children had clearly been learning through their daily phonics sessions. The children were enthusiastic and happy to read with me. Their phonic knowledge was strong and they were able to identify sounds, segment and blend. The school had organised their phonics books in phases and there was a clear system.”

Lindsay Golding: SEND Learning Walk and book look- “Children with additional needs were engaged and their workbooks now clearly showed progress. School was set out to really benefit those with SEND, special displays to celebrate their work and learning journey, clearly labelled areas, and signage.”

Rita Midwinter- EYFS Learning walk- “There have been several changes to the classroom and outdoor area so that areas are clearly defined.  The outdoor area has good resources for imaginative play/learning. The children were focussed on the tasks in each area. Many of them were working together to build.  The children were happy to ask for help if they were not sure what to do.  They were also very happy and proud to show you the task they had completed.”